Taking LINCS Courses
Once logged into LINCS Courses, you can find the list of courses you're enrolled in by clicking on My Courses.

If you are not yet enrolled in a course, you can vist the main Courses page and enroll in one or more individual courses.
Completing Your Course
Before you can receive a certificate of completion, all sections of your course must be marked as complete. A section is marked as complete when it has a check mark and says Done on the main course page.
If you're not sure if you've completed a section, make sure to click the Next button until you've reached the end of the section or moved automatically to the following section.

Your progress will be stored in the course, and once a check mark has appeared, it will remain there when you visit the course again. Once all required sections show a checkmark, your certificate of completion will become available.
Downloading a Certificate of Completion
To access and print your certificate once a course is complete, select "My Courses" from the top menu, click on the title of your course, then look for the link to the "Certificate of Completion" towards the bottom of the page.
Course Completion
Many LINCS courses have a list with multiple sections that can be opened individually by clicking the “+” or you can select “open all” to see all of the sections at once.

If you are having trouble obtaining your certificate of completion for a course, please make sure that all sections of the course have a check mark and say done.
Taking a Course More than Once
You may return to a course you've already completed in order to go back over resources and materials. However, you cannot earn a second certificate or update the date on a certificate for a course you've already completed. If you retake a course, you will not obtain a new certificate.
SCORM stands for "Sharable Content Object Reference Model," and is the name of a standard format used for creating educational courses online. Some of the LINCS courses include SCORM.
Links to SCORM packages will often appear with a package icon.

Most SCORM courses open up in a new window and have a table of contents on the left hand side.
You can check which parts of a course you have completed, and which are left to be completed by selecting the "Menu" once the course window is open.

As shown in the image above, a checkmark will appear next to completed sessions. You may also go directly to the incomplete session from here rather than screening through each page.
Enrollment and Facilitated Courses
View our list of self-enrollment courses. You can start taking any of these at any time.
The LINCS Technical Assistance Center partners with states to offer facilitated online courses from the LINCS Training Catalog. States can request, use, and customize LINCS trainings and resources to develop the next generation of state and local topical experts.
Facilitated courses must be requested by a state. A course facilitator will enroll you in these courses based on your state’s request. You’ll receive instructions specific to the course from the course facilitator(s).